Our Hymns

The hymns recorded by our choir for the “Choir in Quarantine” series are listed here in alphabetical order.

[* indicates that the linked page includes a recording of the All Saints choir singing the hymn.]

All glory, laud, and honor (The Hymnal, #62)

* Alleluia, sing to Jesus (The Hymnal, #347)

Behold a Sower! (The Hymnal, #401)

Blessed city, heav’nly Salem (The Hymnal, #383)

Blest are the pure in heart (The Hymnal, #418)

The Church’s one Foundation (The Hymnal, #396)

Come down, O love divine (The Hymnal, #376)

Come, risen Lord, and deign to be our guest (The Hymnal, #207)

* Come, thou long-expected Jesus (The Hymnal, #1)

Come, ye disconsolate (The Hymnal, #203)

Creator of the stars of night (The Hymnal, #6)

* Deck thyself, my soul, with gladness (The Hymnal, #210)

Dost thou in a manger lie (The Hymnal, #29)

The eternal gifts of Christ the King (The Hymnal, #132)

For all the saints (The Hymnal, #126)

Forty days and forty nights (The Hymnal, #55)

Glory be to Jesus (The Hymnal, #335)

Go forward, Christian soldier (The Hymnal, #553)

God himself is with us (The Hymnal, #477)

God, my King, thy might confessing (The Hymnal, #280)

The God of Abraham praise (The Hymnal, #285)

Gracious Spirit, Holy Ghost (The Hymnal, #379)

How bright appears the Morning Star (The Hymnal, #329)

I bind unto myself this day (The Hymnal, #268)

If thou but suffer God to guide thee (Bulletin insert)

In peace and joy I now depart (Bulletin insert)

* Jesus Christ is risen today (The Hymnal, #85)

Jesus, Lover of my soul (The Hymnal, #415)

Jesus, the very thought of thee (The Hymnal, #462)

Jesus, thou Joy of loving hearts (The Hymnal, #485)

* The King of love my shepherd is (The Hymnal, #345)

Let thy Blood in mercy poured (The Hymnal, #190)

Lord, dismiss us with thy blessing (The Hymnal, #489)

Lord Jesus, think on me (The Hymnal, #417)

Lord, who throughout these forty days (The Hymnal, #59)

Majestic sweetness sits enthroned (#353, The Hymnal)

A mighty fortress is our God (#551, The Hymnal)

My faith looks up to thee (The Hymnal, #449)

My God, I love thee (The Hymnal, #456)

My God, thy table now is spread (The Hymnal, #203)

Now that the daylight fills the sky (The Hymnal, #159)

O come, O come, Emmanuel (The Hymnal, #2)

O day of rest and gladness (The Hymnal, #474)

O Food of men wayfaring (The Hymnal, #192)

O God, our help in ages past (The Hymnal, #289)

O Lamb of God, still keep me (The Hymnal, #339)

O Lord, and Master of us all (The Hymnal, #501)

O Splendor of God’s glory bright (The Hymnal, #158)

Praise, my soul, the King of heaven (The Hymnal, #282)

Saviour, when in dust to thee (The Hymnal, #332)

Saw you never in the twilight (The Hymnal, #50)

Sion, praise thy Saviour, singing (The Hymnal, #193)

Sing, my tongue, the glorious battle (The Hymnal, #66)

Soldiers of Christ, arise (The Hymnal, #552)

Spread, O spread, thou mighty word (The Hymnal, #253)

Strengthen for service, Lord, the hands (The Hymnal, #201)

Teach me, my God and King (The Hymnal, #462)

To Jordan came our Lord, the Christ (Insert)

Very Bread, good Shepherd, tend us (The Hymnal, #194)

Wake, awake, for night is flying (The Hymnal, #3)

We gather together to ask the Lord’s blessing (The Hymnal, #315)

We sing the praise of him who died (The Hymnal, #340)

When morning gilds the skies (The Hymnal, #367)

While shepherds watched their flocks by night (The Hymnal, #13)

With broken heart and contrite sigh (The Hymnal, #60)