Psalm 3.
Domine, quid multiplicati?

Plainchant setting
Anglican chant setting by Malcolm Archer (born 1952)
Anglican chant setting by Andrew Millington (born 1952)

Plainchant setting

The recording below is based on the Sarum Psalm tones as presented in the St. Dunstan’s Plainsong Psalter. It is chanted to Tone II 1.

When viewed directly on YouTube, this video also presents commentary on the text of this Psalm.

Anglican chant setting by Malcolm Archer (born 1952)

A setting of Psalm 3 by Malcolm Archer is sung here by the Norwich Cathedral Choir, conducted by Michael Nicholas and accompanied by organist Neil Taylor.

Anglican chant setting by Andrew Millington (born 1952)

Andrew Millington directs the Choir of Exeter Cathedral in his own setting of Psalm 3. The organist is Paul Morgan.