Psalm 1.
Beatus vir qui non abiit

Plainchant setting
Anglican chant setting by William Beale (1784–1854)
Anglican chant setting by John Goss (1800–1880)

Plainchant setting

The recording below is based on the Sarum Psalm tones as presented in the St. Dunstan’s Plainsong Psalter. It is chanted to Tone I B 1.

When viewed directly on YouTube, this video also presents commentary on the text of this Psalm.

Anglican chant setting by William Beale (1784–1854)

The Wells Cathedral Choir chants Psalm 1 in a setting by William Beale. Anthony Crossland conducts, with Christopher Brayne at the organ.

Anglican chant setting by John Goss (1800–1880)

John Goss was organist at St. Paul’s Cathedral, London, and a professor of harmony at the Royal Academy of Music. Our Hymnal includes his tune LAUDA ANIMA, to which is sung “Praise, my soul, the King of Heaven.” One of his Anglican chant settings also appears at #680; it is the setting our parish often uses to sing the Easter Day canticle, “Christ our Passover is sacrificed for us.” That setting — with both a major key and a minor key employed — is used in the recording below to sing Psalm 1. The singers are the Choir of Exeter Cathedral, directed by Andrew Millington. Paul Morgan is the organist.